We are always working to develop better ways to make your work easier.
Check back periodically to see what's new.
Dryer Time Display (DX200)
Message Center (DX2018)
Timers (LED6, LED7, LED9, DX300, DX2002)
Weep Mizer (DX1000)
ACW Displays(ACW4/5 and Goldline)
Discontinued and Current Product Instructions
Articles about us or our products.
4/2004 - Auto Laundry News: Fully Automatic: Still, Plenty of Personal Attention
9/2003 - Modern Car Care: Win the War Against Winter
1/2002 - Modern Car Care: Managing a Self-Serve Far, Far Away
10/2000 - Modern Car Care: Jack Frost Knocking? Send Him Walking!
© Copyright 2003 Dixmor Enterprises